Open Ai’s Chat GPT is being highlighted for raising concerns of European countries over data protection regulations. After gaining worldwide attention for its capabilities of generating human-like texts in response to human prompts of Chat GPT the company is now undergoing legal actions from numerous European data protection authorities. According to sources Open AI’s Chat GPT is believed to have scraped out the personal data of users without any consent. The Italian Data Protection Authority (IDPA) has imposed a temporary ban on the use of Chat GPT for precautions, while authorities from France, Germany, Canada, and Ireland are also investigating the process of user’s personal data acquisition by Chat GPT and where it can be used. An EU-wide task force has also been formed by the European Data Protection Board to investigate and enforce data protection laws concerning Chat GPT. This is leading to a much-heated argument on whether such AI tools should be used freely and what kind of ethical and regulatory issues are rising by this usage keeping data privacy and protection in consideration.


The GDPR is considered to be the toughest security and privacy law around the globe. The law was passed by European Union and imposes obligations on organizations all around the world if they attempt to target user data from Europeans. This imposes high fines of up to 10 million euros, bans, and sanctions upon those who violate security and privacy standards.

Open AI’s disclosure relating to the collection of user data by the system during training trials is raising concerns over its transparency and compliance with General Data Protection Regulation. Italy has outlined a few steps for Open AI must take as a condition for lifting the ban. The steps include obtaining user concerns before acquiring their personal data and establishing end-to-end encryption only allowing data to be used for marketing purposes, to prevent fraud, or to secure the information and network security of its IT systems. The company is obliged to provide details of how and where the data will be used by Chat GPT offering them to erase data any time or refuse/deny permissions.

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